Female indie ballad about knowing the end before it begins
It’s driving me crazy, I heard it outside a restaurant a month ago and didn’t Shazam it because I knew I had listened to it many times before and assumed I have it on Spotify but now I can’t find it. It’s a female artist, indie/folk slower song similar to Angel Olsen or Faye Webster if I remember correctly. The only lyrics I can remember are (not verbatim) I know the end before it even begins / I know how it ends before it starts / Why am I surprised how it ends when I knew from the beginning. Again, I can’t remember the exact verbiage but it’s along the lines of those ideas. I’m having a tough time googling it because all that comes up is I Know the End by Phoebe Bridgers, but that’s not it!! I heard it outside Nostrana in Portland,OR if anyone knows lol