I guess most of us have suffered bullying
I guess everything has an origin.
Constant rejection and humiliation from childhood has lifelong consequences, the first being low self-esteem, the second being the low value one places on oneself with phrases like "I'm worthless."
Third consequence, social anxiety, irrational fear, it starts with a strong tachycardia that will affect even your vocal cords, your hands will shake, you will sweat, it can appear at any social moment, it starts at school, what for some is just a place to learn and have relationships with others of your age for others is a jungle, you are the prey and you will try to escape as much as possible. That anxiety appears at any time, a presentation of some class work, reading in public... the feeling is pure anguish, as if when a prey feels threatened and just wants to run away, you feel your own heart beating in your throat, it paralyzes you, you will feel fear, you can hardly speak, you stutter, you freeze and everyone laughs at you, even your teacher will make fun of you, that humiliation will stay in your mind.
Fourth consequence: difficulty in defending themselves against bullies in adult life, whether verbal or physical, is that they will obviously avoid conflict situations, bowing their heads in submission. If hypothetically in some exceptional situation they tried to defend themselves, an unprecedented explosion of contained anger would occur, which would bring terrible consequences for themselves and for others.
Fifth consequence, null or scarce romantic relationships, there is a very high percentage that have not had romantic experiences as a couple, in a few words it sounds like science fiction to many, they are just simple observers. It is not at all surprising if they have never accepted you in any social group, obviously they will not accept you as a partner, there is no greater social acceptance than having a partner, that a person of the opposite sex is interested and feels attracted to you. It is not possible, no, if the abusers were the harassers, the girls were the accomplices, they encouraged the abusers to continue doing it, group mentality, as a general rule this non-acceptance leads to self-hatred accompanied in turn by fantasies and this is when mental problems begin to arise.
No matter how many years go by, no matter what you try, no matter how much you try to hide it, it will always be there, your passive, introverted and above all neurotic personality will come out, people will notice it and they will marginalize you.