What happened to Sayde Price's music?
I recently discovered an artist named Sayde Price. She only released one album, Wilt All Rosy, back in 2011 but nothing since then. She's an acoustic singer-songwriter and that single album is one of the most stirring and beautiful I've ever heard. All of the sudden I noticed that all of her music was removed from Spotify, and upon looking around elsewhere, discovered her music was also removed from YouTube, Amazon Music, Google Play, and iTunes. Doing further internet research, I haven't been able to find it anywhere, or at least any reason why it was removed from the public domain. I really really love(d) her music, and would appreciate any info on what happened or where it went. I know this is kind of a longshot considering she's not the most well known artist, but I guarantee anyone who has heard of her probably won't forget it.