First Song to Play for Someone Who's NEVER Heard ANY Music Before?

Was watching the show Silo where a small group has lived underground since birth, they are now in their early 20's. As such they have never heard any music before. Another character then plays them music for the first time - made me think what would I pick as the first song to play someone who's never, ever heard any music.

Not the first album, as obviously you'd play them tons of styles, genres, instruments, etc. - but what would be first. What would you start with?

My choice:
The Planets - Mars, Bringer of War by Holst
Gustav Holst - The Planets - Mars, the Bringer of War - YouTube

Alternate Choice:
Bolero by Ravel
Maurice Ravel - Bolero - YouTube

Thought I'd mention that Clair de Lune seems to be the favorite reply by far. If that changes or there's a close second I'll continue to udpate.