Building a laminar flow box, need help picking out the correct blower [gourmet]

I just picked up a 12x24x5.8″ H14 filter, SP is .9. I'm having difficulty finding the right blower that isn't over/under powered. My understanding is that I'll want 100 feet/min of air flow, and based on 2 sq feet of filter I should be looking for a CFM rating of 200 @ .9 SP. I'm not planning to do a pre-filter at the moment as I'll be using my external purifier near my work area (I may add a pre-filter in the future).

The problem is, lots of blowers are either not showing enough data to figure out what the CFM is at .9, or I just can't find one that meets my specs. Dayton has a ton of options, but I'm not sure how strict this 200 CFM rule if for my setup. Would 300 CFM cause issues, 350 CFM? What if I was under-powered with 150 CFM?

I'll be using this box primarily for agar transfers and inoculations. No spore prints.

update: I came across this blower, I *think it'll meet my needs but would like someone with experience to weigh in!

Any help to point me to the right direction on a blower would be appreciated!