How much do you pay property tax and homeowners insurance?

I'm trying to budget future mortgage and want to know about the other costs.

Do people mind sharing what they pay in homeowners and property taxes? In Rockville and Gaithersburg, specifically.

I've googled taxes and came up with a combined county and city tax of 1.45% of home value for Rockville. Based on some other numbers, I also came up with 0.65% of home value for insurance.

Are these numbers accurate?

Let's ignore PMI and mortgage loan payment.

What is you home insurance and property tax costs for a 500,000 or 750,000 or $1,000,000 home?

Assuming bundled 2 car-ish type home owners.

Edit: first comment showed me I can look up the taxes! No need for that info anymore. I'd still love to hear some home owners insurance numbers!