Having a gender preference?
So I just saw on instagram a gender reveal and the parents were upset that they got a girl. And in the comments we’re getting mad at them and saying that you shouldn’t have a preference for gender only a healthy baby is what you should prefer.
And that reminded me of my gender reveal because I’m pregnant,just hit 36 weeks and at my gender reveal I’ll admit we did have a preference, I preferred a boy,my fiancé preferred a boy, my oldest daughter preferred a boy and my younger daughter preferred a girl. And when we found out it was a boy we were happy well most of us,my younger daughter wasn’t and literally started crying because she really wanted another sister.
So I had a preference and I don’t think it’s bad to have a preferred gender,but I also think it depends why,if it’s because you think the other gender is just awful or you just think the other would be better or more fun to raise then I don’t think that’s okay and if you get upset because you didn’t get the preferred gender then that’s also not okay. But if it’s just cause you just would rather know what it’s like to raise the preferred gender or you already have one gender and so you would like the other then that’s okay. Because that’s why I preferred a boy because I already had 2 girls so it would be kind of nice to have a boy and same with my fiancé he said since he already has 2 daughters he would like to know what it’s like to have a son. And same with my older daughter,she already has a sister so she wants a brother.
But that’s just my opinion and I also think that preference it a little different from want because obviously what I want is a healthy baby same with my fiancé and my daughters. But what’s your opinion?