Has anyone’s child had a speech delay and not ended up being autistic?

My daughter is about to be 1 and a half, 18 months, in February. She has hit all of her developmental milestones on time, and even her church daycare teachers can’t believe how advanced she is for her age. She is extremely bright and can learn extremely fast. However, my daughter says no words, and I really mean none. Sometimes she says Mom but I think it’s more or less a noise she makes than her addressing me as Mom. We talk to her all the time, read to her, put on speech learning videos, but she doesn’t seem to have the desire to want to speak. Of course everyone always wants to nose dive into autism, which I am willing to accept as I have a severely autistic nephew. But has anyone else’s child had a speech delay and it be just that? Other than her talking, she seems like every other toddler her age. She makes eye contact when being spoken to, understands her name and pretty much everything we say to her, she just doesn’t communicate back other than with noises. Her next appointment with her pediatrician is in February and I am going to discuss speech therapy. Might be a little difficult because my daughter doesn’t care too much for sitting lol. Any positive stories?