would you be insulted if your partner asked you not to come to his family events

just as the title says

my bf and i have been together for 5 years we have two kids ages 3.5 and 1.5. i get along with his family fairly well i talk to his mum multiple times a week and see her regularly (without him) we had a rocky relationship at the start but i set boundaries that mil now respects his grandma has been in town for the first time ever (they’re from a different country) and today he took the kids to meet her and asked me specifically to stay home saying he felt more comfortable if i didn’t go with them and as of now he wants me to cut contact with his whole family. he took the kids and left without me

i feel so sad and honestly im kind of insulted. my mother says i should be pissed and she would leave him my father says i shouldn’t care. they’re not my family, it’s not my grandmother who’s in town i don’t have to meet her. i just feel sad like these people are my kids family too and i would have liked to meet her and idk maybe im just being over dramatic.