Why do moms always have an empty stocking?
I’m a FTM to a 10 month old perfect baby girl. I love my partner, he’s an awesome dad. However we both know what day Christmas falls on. Same day every year. I bought and wrapped and picked out all of our daughter’s gifts. I bought and wrapped his gifts weeks ago. He ordered me a kindle, which is what I wanted, and did it through our mutual Amazon account so I knew exactly what I was getting. It’s still sitting in the Amazon packing downstairs, unwrapped. I filled up stockings for him and my daughter, as well as my niece and brother who are staying with us for Christmas. My stocking is sitting empty. The emotional labor of being a mother is so fucking exhausting.
Edit: wow I did not expect so much feedback. For the moms also experiencing this - I find comfort in knowing there’s solidarity. Everyone saying I should communicate expectations and I agree! I told him years ago I didn’t want an empty stocking and he did better that year but this year I did wake up to it empty. He was extremely embarrassed when everyone was opening their stockings and my brother asked “why aren’t you opening yours?” And I pulled it off the mantle and showed him it was empty. He said “wow I would’ve filled it if I knew no one else was going to!” And my partner looked very ashamed. Hopefully this will be avoided next year. Merry Christmas everyone!