New account protection is very annoying.

So apparently if you sign in to your account from a different device or a different IP address you get account protection for 30 days during which you literally can’t do any account related things like changing your password or switching your account. I have two accounts and I used to regularly switch between the two of them. The problem is i will be constantly travelling as my home is in one place and my college is in another so every time I travel my IP address changes and my account protection will commence. This traps me into only playing 1 account for a whole month which is honestly such bs. By the time that 30 day countdown finishes I will be going back to college and my problem will start there again. THEN BY THE TIME THAT FINISHES I’LL BE AT MY HOME AGAIN. It’s honestly so frustrating I want to know if there’s any solution to this problem.

So apparently if you sign in to your account from a different device or a different IP address you get account protection for 30 days during which you literally can’t do any account related things like changing your password or switching your account. I have two accounts and I used to regularly switch between the two of them. The problem is i will be constantly travelling as my home is in one place and my college is in another so every time I travel my IP address changes and my account protection will commence. This traps me into only playing 1 account for a whole month which is honestly such bs. By the time that 30 day countdown finishes I will be going back to college and my problem will start there again. THEN BY THE TIME THAT FINISHES I’LL BE AT MY HOME AGAIN. It’s honestly so frustrating I want to know if there’s any solution to this problem.