Anyone Else Bothered By Collins' Video Yesterday?

Yesterday, the Secretary of veterans affairs, Doug Collins posted a very short video telling the veteran community that their benefits would not be cut. He also said that Doge was working with the VA and that was a good thing.

Was anyone else not comforted by the video? I mean, the way he was talking made it sound like he was speaking to a bunch of small children. I am not a small child and I don't like being talked to like I am one. And how he talked in a way that followed the party line which just bothersome. Is he there to represent us or Donald Trump?

To me, it just sounds like he was trying to play. Kate, the veteran community and calm us down. I think they're worried that pissing off the well-armed convection community would be a bad idea.

I was also bothered by the fact that they turned the comments section off. What are they afraid of? Hearing that not all veterans agree with the party line?