I’ve had microblading done 3 days ago, WISH ID DONE MORE RESEARCH!

I don’t like the shape of them at all & they are very dark, I know I’m only 3 days in and they are yet to soften etc but I don’t like the shape, I don’t like how they look blocky, I asked for very natural looking brows im so disheartened! she said a dark brown pigment was used (I’ve asked what brand/if it was a mix of colours etc so I can find out if they will turn yellow after tattoo removal) because I 100% want to get this off my face, I wish I’d never done this. I’ve been crying over it since I left the salon, I’ve lost 3 pounds in weight because I feel so sick I don’t want to eat, I know this might sound dramatic to some but it’s really affected me. My only hope is that I can get them removed but seeing how many people are left with yellow brows is making me so nervous but im also thinking I’d rather have that over these brows currently, going to get a tattoo removal patch test done once they have healed to see what I might end up with😭😭 I wish there was more success stories because I feel so down right now😔