gastroenterologist said that there’s nothing that they can do when i asked them to help fix my gut dysbiosis, this is ruining my life

to make a long story short i have been constantly fär țlng (typing like this to avoid the creeps) all day everyday since september 2021. i have done everything, low fodmap, cut out things, supplements, sibo test that the results were so borderline that under some diagnostic criteria it would be negative and under another it’s positive and herbal and medical antibiotics did nothing.

i took a stool test and i have dysbiosis including 3+ Klebsiella oxytoca 3+ Klebsiella pneumoniae 3+ Morganella morganii

imbalanced flora:

1+ Staphylococcus aureus 3+ Streptococcus agalactiae (Beta strep, group B)

the doctor said they can’t do anything for me and the ibs clinic hasn’t helped idk what to do. i have literally done EVERYTHING and it’s ruining my life i can’t do anything or make friends or a partner.

currently i am eating healthy, tracking sugar, fibres, nutrients, probiotic foods like greek yogurt, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, sourdough bread and it’s been 3 months, is this long enough or will there be hope in the next few months? i don’t think that i have the typical ibs as low fodmap don’t do anything for me