Mercy Perks idea! Brainstorming.

So, with the current introduction of perks. Mercy has recieved quite some solid ones too, however, they can feel a bit lackluster.

The 3rd Level, 1st Advantage which is: "Secondary Beam connects to another Ally" feels kind of useless if said Allies don't stay together.

In this instance, i thought about some perks that could have been used instead or might fix this one being so bland.

So with the following i had some ideas for MAJOR PERKS, AKA LEVEL 3, not the Minor Level 2 ones, though in the comments below, if you got a concept too, you can share them.

1st Idea:
Cleansing Chain Boost

Secondary fire links to a second nearby ally and cleanses Secondary connected Ally of all negative Effects.

This would still keep the old perk but give it a nice advantage to counter Ana's or Junker Queens negative Effects for a person on the team.

2nd Idea:
Damage Cooldown

When damaging enemies for 80 HP with the Blaster, Ressurection Cooldown gets cut by 3 Seconds.

Additionally, when in air, Damage gets increased by 30%. (Cuts down to 15% when ulting.)

This would encourage Mercy players to bring out their Blaster and damage the Enemy team for an advantage. Additionally, also encouraging staying more in the air to gain a slight damage boost.

3rd Idea:
Battle Angel

When activating your Ultimate Recieve 10 Ammo instead of unlimited but recieve an increased Damage for your Blaster by 75% (150 HP) and 3% faster Shooting speed.

This would allow Mercy players to be able to assist more Damage Wise.

4th Idea:
Guardian Angel

You recieve an Ability that when activated Automatically heals an ally for 35 Hp Per Second for 14 Seconds.

Ressurection gets a cooldown of 15 Seconds so does the Ability.

Basically like Flash heal but i feel like this ability would still be great regardless. Especially since it allows you to take care of another Team member whilst the other one has been taken care of even when they run off.

5th Idea:
Speedy Recovery

Ressurection speed is increased by 50%, Rez reach is increased by 20% and the ressurected Person gets 75 HP shield.

Im not sure if this would be too busted but this would obviously increase Ressurections efficency by a Lot.

Please share your thoughts with me, Concepts and do you think the current perks are good or could they be better?