
It has been brewing under the surface for a few weeks, and came to full eruption today… Husband made a stupid remark and I feel so incredibly hurt. To have some background: I recently got a huge promotion at work, so my workload has increased a lot. Husband was never very helpful in doing chores, so basically the entire houshold is done by me. Today we were talking about having no space in the freezer. I said: “yeah, we should clean the freezer, a lot of food is overdue.” Husbands reply was ( he meant it as a joke, he is a very soft and kind partner): “ well, that could be something useful to do instead of scrolling on your phone.” It took me a while to process what he said. Have been bawling my eyes out ever since… I feel like everything I do is so taken for granted and honestly, it hurts so f*cking much. In my menopausal state I don’t seem to be able to shrug this off and see it for what it was: an incredible stupid joke. I just keep on crying

UPDATE: can’t seem to put any reactions under your posts but thanks so much for your support ❤️ I told him his reaction was really hurtful, he saw me crying and was really clueless about the effect of his stupid remark. Anyway, he suddenly discovered the vacuum all by himself. As you all of say, a talk is due when I feel more rational. This is a topic that pops up again and again in the 20 years that we’re together, so nothing new actually. I guess I didn’t expect him to make such an assholey remark and myself to react so emotionally. But you’re all right. There need to be some changes!