Can we have a conversation about cheap materials?

Yes, it is easy to identify a McMansion if it has brick on the facade and vinyl on the back. It's 4500 square feet with an oversized Palladian window and a lawyer foyer.

However, just because a house is is clad in brick vs. vinyl does not mean it cannot be a McMansion. Referring back to the original blog, it was not just houses that had 'cheap' materials. The key to a McMansion is a poorly replicated historic style or a hodgepodge of elements from different styles. McMansions are at their core an imitation of wealth and can be costly. They are often done by builders who do not know about architecture or are just trying to please their clients. It is not always about the materials; it is about the architecture.

This is also why we cannot automatically disqualify houses that are 7k+ square feet and have acreage; those are two factors of a home, and Kate had many of those homes on her blog.