Heavenly said Sweet Tea wanted to fight King military style
I listened to Heavenly’s live from last night so you don’t have to
Heavenly reconfirmed that Dr. Squeaks did indeed tell Quad to “shut the fuck up” and that “she talks too much”. He also went off on Sweet Tea for no reason as she was pretty quiet except for when she claimed G wanted to divorce Quad.
Thinks Quad started the quarrel between her and G but Toya threw gas on the fire with her asking G if he was uncomfortable. But believes that Quad had the right to flaunt King considering Dr. Squeak came back to the show parading Sweet Teeth around.
Heavenly made sure to have the scene in which she told Phaedra about Apollo joining the trip was filmed in case Phaedra lied.
Heavenly didn’t know Shereen was coming until just before they got on the boat. When she discussed Apollo with Phaedra, Phaedra claimed that Apollo made no moves without her knowledge and that Apollo would be at the trip solo.
Apollo found out from Cheik that he was going on the trip. This is why Apollo decided to invite his wife along. Apollo didn’t seem pressed that Phaedra was with someone else, but was upset that Phaedra engaged in “funny business” by inviting his friend.
According to Shereen, Cheik is for the streets and either did sleep with or tried to sleep with her sister.
Heavenly said Shereen didn’t hear Phaedra’s “bad built body” comment and that Shereen looks like a Columbian drug lord and as though she fights for fun.
Shereen read Phaedra down. So much so, that Heavenly will not repeat what she said because it was that low.
Thanks God that she fell when Sweet Tea got in her face because she was mad as hell at the “lil bitch”. Goes in on Sweet Tea’s body since she came for hers.
When Greg and King’s altercation began, Sweet Tea pushed Simone and when Phaedra attempted to hold her back, told Phaedra to let her go. Sweet Tea said she was going to use the combat she learned in the military to fight King because Greg is the breadwinner and can’t fight on TV.
Heavenly said Greg started the altercation. He was in King’s face screaming about telling Quad to “shut the fuck up”
Greg then tells King “he will not fight a man because he’s a doctor” and King retorted “But you’ll fight a woman”
Greg did file a police report against King for attempted assault. Heavenly would not go into details on the aftermath of this.
Thinks Apollo is only on the show for money (duh) and then starts talking about the men being bitch ass n*****. Calls Big Genie Eugina
ETA: during the push up scene, Greg was staring at King while chanting Lateisha’s name.