As a half black, half Native American man. I HATE Orion.
What the actual.. fuck. Lmao. Holy crap. I’m sorry this is late, I just found out Lifetime has episodes for free and I don’t have to way forever for Netflix to come out with them.
Our girl made a distasteful joke. That she thought would be cute, she incorrectly diminished what the term “red skin” might mean to him. Especially cause I’m positive it was just that she noticed his flushed face, which was red. Blushing. Whatever.
And, as someone who looks more black than native, her defense was valid. We deal with so much racism that you learn to roll with the punches and find the funny because what else can you do? But there’s other black men and women who would disagree with that approach. And that’s fine too.
But she was BEAUTIFUL in her way of understanding. Taking the time to learn more. Accept his anger and see why it bothered him and, again, take steps to make sure a situation like this doesn’t happen again.
I’m so annoyed. I don’t want to diminishes his feelings but he is a lighter skin complexion and outside of maybe other natives giving him shit, he’s not going though apparent white to native racism cause he looks mostly Caucasian. I definitely can see whites people who learn he’s Native American giving him shit after the fact, and that’s valid.
But that’s not what she was trying to do. She tried to be patient and understanding. It’s just.. so annoying.
What the actual.. fuck. Lmao. Holy crap. I’m sorry this is late, I just found out Lifetime has episodes for free and I don’t have to way forever for Netflix to come out with them.
Our girl made a distasteful joke. That she thought would be cute, she incorrectly diminished what the term “red skin” might mean to him. Especially cause I’m positive it was just that she noticed his flushed face, which was red. Blushing. Whatever.
And, as someone who looks more black than native, her defense was valid. We deal with so much racism that you learn to roll with the punches and find the funny because what else can you do? But there’s other black men and women who would disagree with that approach. And that’s fine too.
But she was BEAUTIFUL in her way of understanding. Taking the time to learn more. Accept his anger and see why it bothered him and, again, take steps to make sure a situation like this doesn’t happen again.
I’m so annoyed. I don’t want to diminishes his feelings but he is a lighter skin complexion and outside of maybe other natives giving him shit, he’s not going though apparent white to native racism cause he looks mostly Caucasian. I definitely can see whites people who learn he’s Native American giving him shit after the fact, and that’s valid.
But that’s not what she was trying to do. She tried to be patient and understanding. It’s just.. so annoying.