How do you cope with a lazy husband?
We have lived together for three years and married for five months. While my husband is a very nice person with a generally gentle nature he is not the most ambitious outside of his career. He has many awards and accolades at work, but at home he is lazy, inconsiderate, and somewhat selfish.
We both work full time but I take on 95% of the house work and 100% of the groceries and cooking. I am also the planner, the coordinator, and the decision maker in most cases. He tends to defer decisions to me unless it's something that truly matters to him at which point he is eager to share his input and influence the decisions. And it's not that I am super bossy and want to make all the decisions, it's that if I don't no one will.
We don't have children yet but have two dogs and two cats. And of course, I am the one that coordinates the care of them (Vet visits, feeding, bathing, walking). We actually got a puppy who is now 5 months old. The first week we had her I realized adding one more animal was actually a bit much for me at that point- I have enough to take care of so I suggested we rehome her immediately to which he denied. She is many regards "his dog" and prefers him. Why? Because I am the one who does the things she doesnt like to do- takes her to the vet appts, gives the baths, and tells her no when she is misbehaving. So even though we kept the puppy because it was what he wanted I am still doing all the stuff that isn't fun when it comes to raising a puppy. And this is why I am hesitant to have children.
As far as work goes- his career definitely comes first. We live where we live for his job, and I have taken a less desirable job to make sure he can pursue what he wants (bills gotta be paid). When it comes to lunch breaks to let the dogs out that is up to me most of the time.
Even when it comes to lifestyle he is quite lazy- he will go without showers, dress in sweats most of the time, doesn't place any importance on eating healthy, and didn't even brush his teeth before bed when I first met him (I had to tell him every night for months to do this). I try so hard not to mother him but I feel like asking him to act like the 30 year old adult is not me mothering him.. I am literally just asking him to be an adult.
We live in a fixer upper home so there is always PLENTY that needs to be done. But on his days off he generally sleeps in, goes to the gym, and it's not uncommon for him to then come home from the gym and plop down on the couch at 1 pm to watch a movie. I am actually astounded by how much time he can waste and be ok with it. And for three and half years of living together I STILL cannot get him to stop leaving his clothes on the bathroom floor or put his laundry away (he just leaves his clothes crumpled in hamper whether clean or dirty).
I am at the point that I am just so exhausted and filled with resentment. Outside of his laziness we can be great friends and partners but the resentment I often feel has recently really gotten in the way of the potential for positive feelings about him. Most days I don't even want to go home because I know home just means me working my ass off- it is not a place I go to for rest.
For those who married a lazy husband, how did you cope with it? What worked? What encouraged your husband to stop being so lazy and selfish?