Why does life have to be so hard?

I'm 37..I should be comfortable but instead I work myself to the bone every single day that I'm so tired by the time I get off work ..that I'm delirious. I have 2 kids. They're 10 and 11..we live with my grandmother. I can't begin to even describe how hectic it is here. I don't get child support. I have only made $16,000 so far this year and I haven't missed a day of work. They have cut my food stamps in half. Kids have put up the Christmas tree...counting down the days until Christmas. No presents under it yet. Im thinking to myself "I know. I know it's only 14 more days. I've got to do something. I've got to do better." But how? It's so hard as it is making ends meet. I only get paid every 2 weeks..I'm drowning with bills..my title loan. I have nothing left after. Why does life have to be so hard? Can I catch a break..why can't I get a better job? It's hard to find a decent paying job if I only have experience in one thing. I was diagnosed with agoraphobia in my 20s. Scared to leave my house. I have came so far. Change is scary but necessary..thank you all for listening to me vent while I'm crying my eyes out. Up at 4 am worrying and stressing myself out until my stomach hurts.

Update::: I've had a few people reach out to me and I just wanted to say thank you so much for their generosity. Of course on the way home from work the other day my car started overheating. I barely made it to work yesterday morning. I checked the fluids and I think I have a leak somewhere because I cannot keep any antifreeze or water in it and it was also smoking out of my hood. so needless to say I can't go to work today. I have no transportation. my grandmother is in the hospital.. I haven't even been able to make it up to her or let her know what's going on and I know she's been waiting on me to bring her stuff. I just can't win for losing. it's like I try to get two steps ahead and I fall back. it's always something and I'm just so tired of being tired. I cannot be without a car. I am relied on way too much to not have one I don't even know how much a mechanic would cost I don't know how much anything is and I'm just so overwhelmed. I truly feel like giving up but I can't. And I won't. but it's just Im feeling defeated again and it's not a good feeling.The dryer handle on the dryer just popped off. I can't get it back on so can't open the dryer door with my clothes in it lol. I'm really just starting to laugh at it now because probably crying would make it worse at this point and throw myself into a breakdown. Just pray for me