Panicking about fiancés birthday, is Bar Harbor/Arcadia weather really bad right now?
We live in Virginia. Fiancés birthday is on Tuesday. I originally planned a trip for the Florida Keys a couple months ago but two weeks ago when I hinted about it, he stated he did not want to be on train for that long (which was the cheaper way to do it and what I had booked for). I panicked and canceled everything, and booked a different place for in state at Blue Ridge when it appeared the weather would be close to the 70s. Well. Forecast has changed. It’s probably going to be cold. So hiking isn’t in the books. So I figured if hiking is out of the question, it needs to be somewhere where he hasn’t been before.
He’s been wanting to check out Bar Harbor and Acadia park for awhile. We obviously wouldn’t be able to hike but I thought I could potentially book a place in the mountains with a nice view. The forecast though is… not looking great. So my question is, does it look like the roads will be undriveable? And if not, is there enough to do in that area (nice restaurants etc.) that would make it worthwhile?