Another tedious OP - posts for advice but just wants to argue with everyone. Will likely flounce/withdraw thread at some point.

Would you go ahead with birthday party today ? DD vomited | Mumsnet

cameheredor · Today 06:07

It's my DD 5th bday party today.

Huge party- 30 kids. It's at a venue with entertainers etc.

Last night she threw up at around 6pm and then again at 10pm. No fever and has been sleeping soundly since.

Would you cancel the party ?

I'm thinking to see how the morning goes, as the party isn't until 2 and then, go from there.

Agix · Today 06:08

Haha, gonna infect all those kids with a stomach bug. There will be utter chaos.

Pippa12 · Today 06:10

As much as it will be devastating for your LO, i think deep down you can probably answer your own question.

cameheredor · Today 06:10

It might not be a stomach bug !!

MrsJamin · Today 06:10

Absolutely no way. You must cancel!

Kebabbky · Today 06:10

I think you have no choice but to cancel.

Pippa12 · Today 06:10

But it most likely is…

cameheredor · Today 06:11

I'm not cancelling yet, that's for sure. I'll see how the day goes.

cameheredor · Today 06:11

Pippa12 · Today 06:10

But it most likely is…

Not at all! That's such BS.

Dailystruggles · Today 06:13

please don’t risk it, there’s lots going around and you’d need 24 or possibly 48 hours after last vomiting episode to ensure dd not contagious. I know it’s lots of money and you will all have been looking forward to it, but if others end up sick it’s not good. Don’t think you or dd want her party to be forever known as the party that gave everyone gastro

MrsJamin · Today 06:13

Vomiting twice is not well! If you go ahead the parents will be very angry if their kids fall ill and won't be able to go to school on Monday! You are being selfish.

Overthebow · Today 06:14

She threw up twice. If it had been once and there was a likely other cause like she’d eaten too much ice cream then I’d be on the side of seeing how it goes today, but throwing up twice then no sorry it’s likely a bug and you should cancel, or at the very least message everyone and tell them so they can make up their own minds.

rollerblind · Today 06:14

Schools say that you must keep your child off for 24/48 hours after the last bout of sickness. I would follow that as a rule of thumb. You'd feel awful if lots of them came down with a sickness bug.

cameheredor · Today 06:16

Oh dear. She had a big lunch that sat in her stomach ( from a restaurant ) cupcake after.

I think that's the cause, not a bug.

Pippa12 · Today 06:16

Fair enough, but then why ask the question if your conscience is clear? Why do you think your child is vomiting?

MrsJamin · Today 06:18

Yeah you don't vomit as a reaction to lunch at 10pm. Why go on AIBU if you've already made up your mind?

ChocolateMagnum · Today 06:19

Please tell anyone who might be coming about the vomiting at the very least. You have no idea who is immunocompromised in the lives of the children who are attending. Please at least have a bit of a sense of responsibility if you're not doing to do what you should and cancel.

cameheredor · Today 06:19

MrsJamin · Today 06:18

Yeah you don't vomit as a reaction to lunch at 10pm. Why go on AIBU if you've already made up your mind?

You can - if it's a late lunch and the first vomit didn't get everything out.

Why post ? I have my own reasons, which I don't need to share.

Strawberryorangejuice · Today 06:20

yes, sorry op. I would cancel.

I have a child who always vomits with every illness. The rest of us won't - just her. It seems to be her body's way of dealing with infection or something. But I always keep her off as those are the rules.

smileyplant · Today 06:20

Absolutely cancel - don't be that family.

BarbieGirlInABarbieWorld · Today 06:20

I mean, this is a wind up right?

No one would be so thoughtless to go ahead without AT LEAST letting the invitees know so they can make their own informed decision…

Kebabbky · Today 06:21

ChocolateMagnum · Today 06:19

Please tell anyone who might be coming about the vomiting at the very least. You have no idea who is immunocompromised in the lives of the children who are attending. Please at least have a bit of a sense of responsibility if you're not doing to do what you should and cancel.


If you’re going to go ahead then you at least let everyone know that she’s been sick and they can make their own judgement.

MinnieMountain · Today 06:21

Is it normal for a 5yo to vomit because of a big meal?

DS has never been particularly sicky, but I can’t imagine it is.

cameheredor · Today 06:22

Something she ate didn't agree with her.

If she is ill again, then I will cancel. Let's see.