Shallow talk: Material Things

I have been going back and forth about posting this. To a large part, this is about preparing for the end, and to a smaller part, makes us appreciate what we already have.

It is however, something on the back of my mind, on and off. 2 months in my diagnosis, I have gone from this is my death sentence to ok its like a chronic disease so I still have many years, to reading about how medication can stop working in a heartbeat so I'm back to preparing I won't be here for long.

I have been on the most part, stopped buying clothes and any material stuff. I am just enjoying what I have and trashing out those that I'm meh about. This is saying a lot, because pre-diagnosis, I buy clothes on a weekly basis. My wardrobe was bursting! Even foods. I used to keep foods that I dislike but will slowly try to finish it, but now I heck care, just throw. Life's too short.

Has your mindset changed? Maybe some of you never cared for all these things so just ignore my post Ig. For me, this has been one of the biggest change.