LPT: Have Dandruff and Dandruff Shampoos Aren't Working? You Probably have DRY SCALP Instead!

My LPT is this: if you are suffering from a flaky scalp, try doing some research about the difference between dandruff and dry scalp before you commit to a treatment of any kind. Statistically speaking, the majority of people who attempt to treat their flakes with dandruff shampoo are actually suffering from dry scalp... not dandruff.

Many people don't know that dandruff is actually a condition in which your scalp over-produces sebum (oil). Dry scalp is a condition where your scalp is not producing enough sebum.

Both conditions result in a flaky scalp, so many people don't realize that they are two completely different issues.

As the two conditions are quite the opposite of one another, it is very important that you do your research to find out from which condition you are actually suffering before committing your time/money/well-being to finding a solution.

Dandruff is often treated with medicated shampoos meant to remove sebum from your scalp, and therefore, if used on a dry scalp, will exacerbate the problem. Dry scalp is often treated with tea tree oil and other such moisturizing ingredients, and therefore would make a scalp that is over producing oil even worse. If you are suffering from dry scalp and treat it with dandruff shampoo you will continue to suffer, and vise versa. Please, please know the difference between the two before committing to a solution.

EDIT: Changed wording to ensure this did not come off as medical advice.