How could I hide things about myself that would make a future partner lose attraction to me?
This is all hypothetical, since I’m single, but it’s something I think about in case that ever does change. Basically, I don’t like how I look in my current state, and no one else prefers it either. I’m working on it, but there are some things that will realistically never change.
For starters, there is my hair. It’s very unappealing to literally everyone. Please don’t debate me on this. It just is. Any partner would lose all attraction to me upon seeing it. I do hide it with a wig, but I obviously have to take it off to wash my own hair, then blow dry it and so on. But I would never want a future partner to see it. What’s the best way to hide this process from them? Should I just lock myself in the bathroom all day while I do it?
I also have boring brown eyes. I bought green prescription contacts to wear all the time, except for when I’m sleeping. But I know my partner would be disappointed to see my real eyes. So how do I minimize the time he has to see me with brown eyes?
Lastly, this isn’t related to appearance, but I also legally changed my name. My birth name makes me feel ugly, but my new name sounds beautiful and exotic. The thing is that my family doesn’t make an effort to use my new name. Also, on paperwork for background checks, I’ll have to list my birth name. I’m sure my future partner would eventually find out I was given a different name at birth, and perhaps find it odd that I changed it.
I’m not hiding these things for any immoral reasons. I don’t have a criminal record or shady past. It’s just to feel more confident and increase my partner’s attraction to me. Please don’t say “the right man will love you as you are, blah blah” because that’s just a useless, empty platitude. Would you find it weird if a partner did these things or hid parts of themselves from you? What’s the best way to go about it?