Live abroad or settle down?
Hey guys,
28M from Australia. Unsure whether to join my 6 mates to go live in the UK
I spent 7 months in South America last year after quitting my design job. I’ve now got mates moving to the UK, but I have so many doubts
My main concerns are:
• Falling behind in my career (been tough finding work since being back)
• Spent 30k AUD in South America and now will blow something similar, maybe more (currently have 80k in savings and assets + 18k super)
• Have to hustle for work all over again (all I’ve been doing since being back in Melbourne)
All my mates going are very travel and experience motivated, whereas I did heaps of that last year so I’m not as much
The only reason I’m more in for this is because I feel I’ll regret not trying it when I’m 50, 60 years old - but a part of me really does wanna settle down and start my life up again - as returning to Melbourne has been really difficult
What’s everyone’s opinion? I’m so torn
Thanks in advance!