What do your letterboxd ratings mean?

For me

1/2 star: This made me angry or bored me to death
1 star: Similar to 1/2 star but I found some redeeming quality
2 stars: Not that interesting and I didn't like many elements of the film
2 1/2 stars: Interesting concept with mediocre execution or I just couldn't get behind the film
3 stars: Decent movie. Nothing too special but enjoyable
3 1/2 stars: Good movie but I am being nitpicky about certain elements or it just wasn't for me
4 stars: Great movie but needed a little something
4 1/2: Amazing movie all elements worked in tandem
5 stars: Perfect on every level or it moved me deeply even if there were some flaws

Liked: Mecore!! Just fits my vibe or changed me.