For every comment, I’ll press shuffle on a Letterboxd list that tracks my collection and assign you a random movie from my 3000+.
It’s that simple.
I have lists tracking my VHS tapes, DVDs, blu-rays, 4k discs, and anything spread across 18TB (with 8 more on the way) of dedicated hard drive space. It’s something in the neighborhood of 3000-3500 movies.
If you want me to give you a movie from a specific format, let me know. Otherwise, I’m just shuffling my master list with all of them and giving you the first result. If you’ve already seen that movie and want something else, everyone gets one reroll.
If you have a specific genre or decade in mind, I’m happy to accommodate that as well; keep in mind I only have movies as far back as 1920 in my collection.
I just thought this might be a fun way to discover new movies for people!
Edit: Just a heads up: sequels/prequels to other movies are included.
Edit 2: I’m happy to apply any filters you’d like as well
Edit 3: Links to the various lists: