Looking for examples of great acting!

This may be a random request but I'll get right into it! I'm wanting to write a fanfiction for a different fandom, but I want to get some research in. At some point in my story, the main character's two year-old daughter will be questioned about her father who has been arrested for being a murdering and unfeeling psychopath (said father is Melon from Beastars).

What I'm looking for is episodes where a young child is questioned about a suspect they are close to. I want to know how they speak and act in such environments, as well as how adults question them. I quite like Law and Order, especially SVU, but I can't think of any examples and I would like the opinions of other people! If you can think of any episodes off the top of your head, please list them! I have never written a child character before and I don't really know any young children. Any help will be greatly appreciated <3