First trip on LSD 150ug (I reccomend not reading this if you are tripping.)

I just want to start this report with a preface with important information. I tripped with 2 other people and one was sober most of the night (Ill call them H,K and D for privacy sake). This acid trip was completely unplanned (HUGE mistake) and I have done mushrooms up to 3g and LSD but i didn't really trip on the acid.

So to start off this was the night before last and i just woke up from the 16 hour nap (I sleep a lot anyway so this just added on to it). It was wet outside but not raining and we decided to go up to a nature park with a beautiful overlook called garden of the gods in Southern Illinois. At first we were just riding around smoking and shooting the shit until me and H decided we would get acid for the trip. So, we meet up with the guy at a local gas station and get 2 Purple pyramid Goldschlager gels and start heading up to the spot. We stop at another gas station about half way and i popped half of my tab and we all made a group decision that since it was dark and wet outside that tripping at a wet and dark cliff edge wouldn't bet he best idea and head back. (it was also at this point where H convinced me to do a full tab with him it ended up being 3/4 each K had half a tab)

The way back was just driving on a highway and shooting the shit nothing eventful. We get back to town and drive around going to cool spots and eventually H chimes up and suggests we can go to one of his friends house. We get there and smoke a blunt ( had thought the acid had kicked in already, boy how wrong I was) this was a place in the ghetto and there were people walking around the block circling. At this point I started getting anxious along with K so, we decide to go back to the car and wait (turns out H's friend pulled a gun out joking around but i never saw the gun)

As soon as me and K get in the car its like were hysteric we were laughing and I couldn't think at all and then it hits me. Like a fucking train I get shot off and my vision becomes warped. I told D to get the keys so I can listen to some music and we left. As soon as we started driving I started seeing what I can only describe as stick bug like entities on every dot and object I could see eyes open and closed with a terrifying grin. I dont remember much of the ride except H asking to switch the music from synth shit to rap which I think messed me up even more. It felt like the entire trip was being played out and I was being set up for a bad trip one event after the other, every word was a script and I remember when we got to Ks car and H drove it to my house so we could drop off my car and take H home. Riding in the back of Ks car was arguably the worst part of the trip, I heard clicking and rumbling like an Aldrich horror moving around similar to a clicker from the last of us (I had watched before the day started). I kept thinking H was setting me up for a bad trip and then he said "I'm completely sober" which I took as he never took the acid. (I talked to him and he said he didn't feel it much and it just felt like he was dissociated the entire time.) And I responded with "I figured" he said something about a Xanax the guy gave him from the ghetto and I had hope but he said he through it out.
I kept feeling like I was about to be sucked into a full on different world but I never did. Eventually we got back to my house after an eternity of waiting and waiting and waiting in that God forsaken car. We went inside where I walked past my grandma balls deep in an acid hellscape still being tormented and chased by the stick bugs. We got to my room and I collapsed on my bed looking up trying to meditate but failing each time I just couldn't let go no matter how hard I tried.
After what felt like hours of staring at my ceiling D hit my cart and we had a real connection, probably the first good thing to happen on the trip. I saw his true self and I instantly realized we are all connected (I had realized this before but never actually seen it felt it and been it) I saw shapes overwhelming the entities while they weren't entirely gone I felt a little better. I closed my eyes and saw more geometry, it started off as 1 then 2 then 4 then on and on and on until it morphed into a tightly woven web of sacred geometry. The rest of the trip I was mostly watching the ceiling and trying to calm myself down as they had both gone to sleep. I kept trying to wake them up but they got pissed so I just decided to ride it out and I finally accepted it.
I kept having to pee but every time I got to the bathroom and I was pissing it felt like I was about to hit a loop, but it never happened. I could tell I was coming down so I put on family guy and fell asleep for about an hour. After the trip I kept feeling like I was being sucked back in. (mind you this was 14+ hours after I took the acid) This stage was probably the most informative on my own psyche and I decided against going to the party H had set up the next day so I could hang out with D and R (R is completely sober) I also decided I didn't want to drink or smoke weed for a while if at all and realized I've been struggling with control issues.

Now today after I woke up from my psychedelic coma, my ego has fully come back (Now this is not saying I had an ego death, far from it; but it was definitely humbling) my life is changed and I've struggled less from procrastination today than I have ever. Overall I think I needed a bad trip and I seriously wish to revisit LSD in the future with a better set and setting.

TLDR; Terrifying trip ended in positive thinking.