How old were/are you?
At what age are people getting their knee(s) done? I'm a 50yo male getting ready... don't know whether I need a full or partial yet. My right medial is bone on bone, and I can't walk anymore without limping. Doctor is telling me it's time and that this is really the best option. I'm a little bit terrified, tbh. I know it's fairly routine and straightforward these days, but part of me feels like I'm too young to do this. I know age is basically irrelevant and it's really just a fact of arthritis, and that plenty people younger than me have had this operation, but I'm curious about longevity and recovery and the likelihood of needing a new one down the road. Is there ANY advantage to putting it off and just.... limping along for awhile longer? Would love some feedback and an idea of people's ages and experience. Thanks!