Future propulsion Maneuvers to other planets

Hey so I've been trying to build a fairly realistic large ship based loosely off the Hermes from "The Martian" using some mods I've got quite a few ion engines on it and a large Argon powered engine on it. Here it is in the hanger trying to test out coolant on the nuclear reactors --> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=650857344 Delta V is about 10,441

I've been trying to mess around with how to use that much delta V to make it to other planets. I was thinking of a first mission dropping off survey probes on flyby and maybe even a small lander for first time simple surveys each place. With docking ports to refit the whole thing for whatever mission configuration I'll need.

But I'm not sure how to use these engines effectively. Is there any effective way to do planetary maneuvers with low thrust to weight ratio?