Obtaining childhood immunization records in Kenya

I need to obtain my immunization records for an upcoming embassy interview, and I am unsure where to begin. Does anyone know how to obtain their immunization records? Does MoH have a system to track these records down?

Any suggestions, kindly.

PS: I was immunized in the 90s.

UPDATE (Oct 28th, 2022): I decided to get new shots. If you are immigrating to the US, you are required to do a medical exam at the IOM, and depending on your age category, you need to have received certain vaccinations and show proof of them. Must haves are:

  1. MMR Vaccine- Measles, Mumps, Rubella
  2. Varicella Vaccine- for Chickenpox
  3. Td Vaccine- for Tetanus and Diphtheria
  4. Hepatitis B Vaccine
  5. Influenza Vaccine- for the flu (only if you are interviewing during the US flu season: I think from Fall to End of Winter)
  6. Covid-19 Vaccine
  7. Yellow Fever Vaccine (Not sure about this, but it doesn't hurt to have it. I've been asked, sometimes at the airport, to produce it- and was lucky to have!)

If you don't have these vaccines, IOM will sort you out, but it will cost an arm and a leg!

They told me,

"oh, if you have the Covid and Yellow fever ones, no worries- just come and we will immunize you for the rest. And...ummm...make sure your Mpesa has like Kshs 50k for that!

And that's just for 1 person!

A friend of mine, with a family of 4 paid Kshs 195k for the vaccines & medical assessment at IOM!

The solution is to get these vaccines in local hospitals/clinics. At Kenyatta Hospital (Private Wing), they cost a max of about Kshs 2k each (The top 5 on the list above)- meaning that it's very possible to save at least Kshs 15k by getting vaccinated in our local facilities.

I already have the Covid-19 vaccine & the Yellow Fever vaccine. And yesterday, I got the Tetanus, Hepatitis B, and the Flu vaccines (2 jabs on my left arm and one on my right).

The nurse had tried making a case for me to lower my pants and get the 3rd jab on my behind... But I put an end to that thought before the nurse could even complete it!

But for an easy-on-the-eyes lady nurse, who knows? I probably would not have a problem inviting her expertise- to explore a bit of my anatomy.

But I digress!

To get back to the vaccines issue, no need to forge or play dirty. Also, they don't seem to consider that you were immunized as a child. They need recent proof of vaccinations for your age category. So, don't game the system- after all, IOM sends a confidential report of your medical exam to the US embassy- and you don't want to get screwed at the most final stages!

Anywho, once I'm done with the rest of the vaccines, I will turn up at IOM in that famous Vince McMahon walking style. And when they ask me for proof of immunization, with a boisterous smile, I'll blurt out, "CHECKMATE!"