Finished Mr Plankton

I'm writing my thoughts of Mr. Plankton as there are still hot fresh tears running down my face.

I'm not sure I'll recover from this one. I told myself to watch something light hearted and fun after I finished Lovely Runner but noooooooo I started Mr Plankton instead. And now I'm suffering the consequences.

I knew what I was getting into when I started it but Jesus it still hit me so hard. Before I move on...John best character, loved him.

I loved that neither of the leads were perfect, they were forced to grow up and learn to love eachother again. It's wasn't perfect but it was a terribly fun watch.

I will say this show had more child abandonment than I was ready for, so if you're particularly sensitive to that I would proceed your watch with caution. I mean seriously by the end of it all I could see Hae Jo as was just an abonded child crying for help and it hurt real bad. As someone works with kids as my profession and as an older sister, I was just sobbing during his scenes towards the end.

This show has an amazing cast, soundtrack, just give the producers and the whole team a round of applause!! I would say more but I have no more energy left in me.

I want to know what everyone thought!?!? Have you finished it?? Not sure if you'll watch it?? Favorite character??