Macbook or Windows laptop Engineering Science?
Hello everyone! I will be starting my first bachelor in engineering science in september. Ofcourse ill be needing a laptop and because I don't have one yet I was looking around. I did some research and after some time i figured that I first needed to make the decision if I want Macbook or Windows. My first choice would be a macbook because I am invested in the ecosystem, I love their screens and the design and because of the long lasting batteries. Unfortunately I found out that Solid Edge isn't supported on apple silicon. I also heard that you only use Solid Edge once for a little project and after that you don't really use it anymore. My question is, should I get a macbook or a windows? What are some of your experiences with macbooks in engineering science? I hope I will find some help here, thanks! ( I do have to mention that I have a 17% off on all apple products that are sold on their site, this might affect your advice.)