What could we expect from a future show? (current tour spoilers)

By now, a lot of us have experienced their current concert, whether it was live or behind their screen thanks to the Accor Arena stream. And man, they delivered. They made us understand in an interview that Hyperdrama was not going to be their last album, meaning that we could get a fifth live tour. But what could we expect from it? Of course we know nothing about the fifth album, no song, no style, no title, nothing. How can we possibly start thinking about a future show? That's what I'm going to cover here. Although before you come and say anything to me, I know it's way too early to predict anything, thay we know nothing of a future liveshow, and even if they're going to do it or use the same format. These are things I think I think could happen if it kept the same format.

What will my predictions cover?

The content, format and visuals of the live. No date nor location.

What will I base my predictions on?

Since we've had 4 lives, we're able to notice some kind of pattern in the mixes they offer, and some evolution. I'm going to base my thoughts on what we've seen and heard, and what came from what already happened.

The predictions:

First of all, the most important thing I want to adress is that the live will be longer. The current 1:30 length isn't optimal considering that 5 albums will be used. My guess is we'll have somewhere between 1:45 to 2:00 of music.

For the visuals, we can't predict much, but one thing I think we'll have again are the light pannels ,the current mixing setup, with the mixing island in the middle, and their respective keyboards (and other tools) on the sides, and of course the cross. For the rest, I think we'll just have a crazy lightshow, I truly don't know how it could be setup.

Here's a list of all the tracks I believe have the most chances of being included, and why:

  • We Are Your Friends: it's just so iconic you can't go without it
  • Genesis: honestly I hardly see them not include it
  • D.A.N.C.E.: one of their most popular tracks it's certain
  • Phantom: looking at its use in WWW and this tour I think it has a really good chance to be included
  • Phantom pt.II: sure at first it wasn't included in this tour but I'm pretty sure it'll come back, it's one of their craziest tracks live
  • Stress: I don't think I have to justify
  • Waters Of Nazareth: although it didn't appear for a while in this live, i believe we'll see more of it in a future one (more on that later)
  • Planisphere: you'll see why later
  • Canon: probably the track which can be mixed the most, it's really good live
  • Audio, Video, Disco.: no justification needed tbf
  • Safe And Sound: same, it's really great live
  • Alakazam !: I think it's likely we'll see more of it, even if it's just the little sample, I believe it's a great secondary song to use, and that they will use it
  • Chorus: speaks for itself
  • Heavy Metal: honestly I feel like it has a great potential, we might not see it again as a major track but I definitely see it coming back
  • Love S.O.S.: might be their favourite song to just pick the vocals from and slap them somewhere
  • Neverender: do I really need to explain for this one?
  • Generator: I feel like the Genesis x Phantom x Generator mix showed us how it can return
  • Afterimage: basically chorus v2
  • One Night / All Night: if it doesn't come back as a major track, I still see the togetheether sample used
  • Incognito: E sample will be used 100%
  • Wake Me Up: basically their most popular track atm, it's certain it's gonna be a major track

I know I skipped some good tracks like DVNO Civilization Fire Pleasure and Mannequin Love, the reason I skipped them is because I think with the wide variety of lyrics tracks we have and we will likely have any of them may be skipped like Randy got skipped this tour.

For the mixes I also have some ideas, note that what I'm not excluding the idea of more tracks on those mixes, and I actually think a lot of those mixes will have more:

  • Genesis x Generator: I think they might get rid of Phantom, and use it like in Pleasure x Newjack x Civilization and Heavy Metal x Too Much Songs, and I think Generator will replace it. Basically would function like how Phantom was mixed in WWW and this tour.
  • Canon x New Lyrics Song: Canon has had this thing since AAA where it was mixed with a popular lyrics song, I think we'll get it with a new track from the new album or Wake Me Up
  • Chorus x Afterimage: Ok so this is what they've been waiting for. I think this mix is insanely likely, looking at the similarity in both mixes I believe we'll have that mix which will go INSANELY HARD. I think that's what they even made Afterimage's mix for.
  • D.A.N.C.E. x Safe And Sound x Other Songs: I think that's pretty much self explanatory, both D.A.N.C.E. x Safe And Sound mixes where amazing, we'll see it return for sure
  • Stress x Waters Of Nazareth: FYI this tour I consider that it's Stress and Afterimage x Waters Of Nazareth. I think they set it up perfectly this tour, and we'll have a first Stress track mixed with another song (Skitzo Dancer doesn't count it was just an intro lol)
  • Phantom pt.II x We Are Your Friends: I think that's self explanatory, both songs are absolutely amazing together, and we'll see more of it.
  • A song from the new album being turned from something great and chill to some absolute beast of a mix which goes insane. Basically Chorus and Afterimage v3

I don't want to get into anything to ambitious, but instead I thought of tracks which were kinda setup by this tour. Kinda like how it Waters Of Nazareth x We Are Your Friends x Phantom pt.II Alakazam ! was mixed with Phantom pt.II and it got reused but better this live, or that this mix was setup by Waters Of Nazareth x Helix x Phantom pt.II x On'n'On.

Things I'd see coming back in the live's structure:

  • Genesis as the intro, but with a little new thing right before it, like in ACTU, AAA and this tour
  • Planisphere as the encore intro, I think Planisphere's intro is amazing for an encore intro, and what we had this live could be setting up a new norm. I'd also see both Genesis and Planisphere be swapped, tho I still prefer Genesis first.
  • AVD as a final before the encore, basically it was like that in AAA, WWW, and this tour before the new encore (right?), honestly it's an amazing song to do this
  • Either D.A.N.C.E. part 2 or Phantom pt.II as a final track
  • The End as the ending track, tho I think they could be a little crazy and make a The End x Parade mix for their ending tho I hardly see it happen


I think that with what we know, or basically don't know, it's way too early to predict anything too in depth, but I think we can have some ideas on some things in a future live show. Please tell me what you think of those, and if you have some ideas share them here I'd also love to see other's view on this.