No, this is not a Joe Rogan hate subreddit.

Time and time again we see posts whining about this being a Joe Rogan hate subreddit. After having been a moderator here for over 14 years I can tell you with absolute certainty that that is not what this community is, nor is it what it was ever designed to be. The moderation team here are fans of Joe and his podcast. That said, in the spirit of the JRE, we value your right to free speech.

Since the very beginning, we have always treated this subreddit like it belongs to you, the subscriber. That said, every subreddit needs an adult in charge. We reserve the right to remove content that we feel is of low effort or designed to troll the user base. What we don’t do is remove content solely because it’s critical of Joe, his guests, or the topics he discusses. We understand that this philosophy is not for everyone, and we suggest that if this does not fit your desired outcome for a subreddit - you simply unsubscribe.

Whether or not you choose to believe it the moderation team here has no political agenda or even intentional bias, at least that I know of. Half of us are not even American. Personally, I find both right-wing and left-wing American politics equally absurd….yet bloody hilarious. So, over the coming months, when we remove political comment, please spare us the tinfoil hat wearing accusations. We are just trying to keep this place from being overrun by bots, trolls and annoying assholes.

IMHO this is by far the best subreddit on the platform for 1 single reason – we are not a circle jerk. There is likely no other place on the internet that has the diversity that we have here, yet somehow we are all on the same team. It is fucking magical.  

Praise Odin and stay cool apes!