Building a 5 year portfolio

My next housing insurance bill is due in 5 years. I pay via credit card as a lump sum, as I get a discount and credit card bonuses. One can argue how ideal this is, but some other companies gave us some guff due to our unusual property, so paying in a lump sum smooths it all out.


In order to save I could save I decided it would be fun simply to setup a 5 year portfolio, as a bit of an experiment. I usually invest with a 20-30 year window.


5 - Year Portfolio - SBI - Taxable Account Via Credit Card

All country (ex-Japan) - 10,000 yen

TOPIX - 2500 yen

J-REIT - 2000 yen

Developed REIT - 2000 yen

Gold - 1000 yen



I max out IDeco, 2024/2025 NISA is full

I have an emergency fund

I have a housing repair cash fund

This is a fun diversion.