I started my Sonic Figure Collection 1 month ago

Hi guys! I just started my collection of Sonic figures from Jakks Pacific a month ago. After going with my family to see Sonic 3 at the cinema, I remembered many of the Sonic games I played as a child.

Personally, looking for the figures has been quite a challenge. I have visited all the toy stores in Barcelona and it was worth it since I found 2 figures that I thought were impossible, Neo Metal Sonic and Super Sonic.

I built a Green Hill model with cardboard and coloured tempera paints. In the photos you can see the process.

Now I am waiting for figures that I bought on Ebay which are impossible to find here in Spain. I received Charmy and Super Silver this week and they look incredible.

I will upload a more updated photo when I get more figures and I have added more details to the Green Hill model. I hope you like it!