Ultimate JRPG Party: Team Healer is some obscure character from a game nobody's ever heard of. Today we vote for Team Mentor!
- Most upvoted comment will be the winner. Upvote a character you want to win instead of creating more comments. In case of ties a tiebreaker will be held.
- Only one debut game per character. This means when a character is chosen, no other characters that debuted in the same game can be used. This is to encourage diversity while still allowing some wiggle room for long running series.
- Previous picks can be replaced. If the most upvoted comment is to replace a previous character, then that character can be replaced as long as it does not violate the debut game rule.
- Characters must be from Japanese-style role playing games. They do not need to necessarily be from Japan, but must fit the theme of this subreddit.
Current Characters:
- Team Leader: Ichiban Kasuga (Yakuza: Like a Dragon)
- Team Muscle: Sabin Rene Figaro (Final Fantasy VI)
- Team Brains: Lucca Ashtear (Chrono Trigger)
- Team Booty: Reisalin "Ryza" Stout (Atelier Ryza)
- Team Joker:
Joker(Persona 5)Olivier Lenheim (Trails in the Sky) - Team Mage: Vivi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)
- Team Pet: Koromaru (Persona 3)
- Team Healer: Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)
- Team Mentor:
- Team Scientist:
- Team Robot:
- Team Fighter:
- Team Alien:
- Team Demon:
- Team Gunslinger:
- Team Android:
- Team Ninja:
- Team Badass:
- Team Asshole:
- Team Swordsman:
- Team Gambler:
- Team Kid:
- Team Killer:
- Team Undead:
- Team Speedster:
Who's the wise one that will teach this unruly bunch? Vote for Team Mentor?