Two-state solution will never happen

Overwhelming majority of Palestinians will accept nothing less than a one state solution of Palestine that involves the eradication of the state of Israel and her citizens by any and all means necessary.

Now I am far from being Pro-Israel yet you would be convinced that I was based on that statement. But that is not my opinion, I consider that to be an objective fact based on the actual hard evidence.

Below are links to videos done by Corey Gil Shuster asking everyday Palestinians on the street their opinion in regards to a solution to the conflict and literally 99% of these normal Palestinians all feel the state of Palestiqne, no Israel, forcible expulsion or eradication of all Israelis, anything less is unacceptable..straight from the horse's mouth. Now I recognize Israel's actions over the generations have driven most to adopt this position but that's an entirely different discussion. I am simply interested in assessing the reality of the situation right here and right now so their opinions are what they are at this point. The unfortunate reality is that they all have a hardline position that is objectively delusional and impossible to achieve. Pro-Palestinian supporters who advocate for a two state solution and claim that is the will of the Palestinian people are either blissfully naive or intentionally disingenuous cuz there is almost no desire or will for it amongst the people, let alone Hamas. The videos linked below are undeniable proof of this and they aren't the only ones..there's several more from years ago and the answers are all exactly the same..the full restoration of the one state of Palestine, nothing less.

The Israelis that were formerly advocates of a two state solution are no longer supporters post Oct 7th. Plus the Israeli government has deliberately sabotaged any chance of a two state solution for decades now. The fact that they were the ones who created Hamas as a counter to the PLO in order to sew division amongst the Palestinians in order to prevent a two state solution from happening is proof of this. They made sure Hamas remained in power by enuring hundreds of millions in funding went to them unabated for decades all the way up till Oct 7th..all in order to prevent a two state solution from ever becoming a reality. Even prior to Oct 7 a solution was never happening and now its practically unimaginable. Those who advocate for one on either side are as delusional as the Palestinians who will accept nothing less than the restoration of the single state of Palestine.\_4vSwwt0mLVK3I\_zqOwLHrgzRxn\_EY\_BsdOGJp9to?si=DFn11v9moHp-4a2g