Viltrumites don’t have superpowers.
And i mean superpowers, PLURAL. Viltrumites only have ONE real superpower: flying. The rest of their abilities, no matter how insane they seem, are exactly the same as ours: strength, durability, speed. Yeah, they’re cranked up to insane levels, but they’re still just pushed to the extreme human traits (they don’t even have super senses…). Hell, even Immortal, who has the same abilities as Mark, has more actual superpowers than a Viltrumite (and I’m not just talking about the whole “coming back to life”’ll see what I mean later).
Besides, remember that these abilities aren’t “special” to them. They’re not strong because of some external factor; it’s just their natural state. What do I mean? Well, Hulk is strong because of gamma radiation. Superman gets his strength from absorbing the sun’s energy. Goku is that strong now because he tapped into God Ki. Homelander gets his strength from Compound V. For all of them, super strength is a superpower because it’s not something they naturally should have at that level. But Mark is strong because… he’s a Viltrumite, and Viltrumites are strong...
So, if all their abilities (except flying) aren’t special to us or to them, how can they be “superpowers”? They’re not. They don’t fit the definition.
So now, next time you hear the show talking about “Mark’s superpowers” you can be just as annoyed as I am. You’re welcome.
P.S. Honestly, with all the interesting and unique superpowers in this series' universe, it feels kinda unrealistic that the race that conquered the galaxy did it just because “we’re really fast, tough, and punch hard.” Like, come on, they should’ve given them something extra. Men They’re just glorified humans...which is kinda sad, especially when they’re supposed to be the strongest race in their universe.