Insurance agent asking how much I pay currently

Someone in our town’s FB group recommended me to this insurance agent. I contacted them and they asked me to send my current insurance policy document which has all the details like my current premiums. I asked him why he needs and below was his reply. This doesn’t make sense to me. When I am buying something why would I tell the seller what someone else is selling for. Can someone tell me what he is saying makes sense and why?

My job is to make sure you are covered and then try to save you as much money as possible.

Understanding everything about your current policies helps me accomplish that fully. Insurance is not like a car dealership. knowing your current pricing cannot change what I can offer but it can help me understand what the other company was thinking and doing when it came to that specific policy. Not to mention, knowing what discounts they are applying helps me know if I should be applying those discounts or if they are discounts that might come off the policy in the future.