Blown fiberglass vs blown cellulose for attic and garage ceiling
Hi, we live in Pennsylvania in a two-story colonial home and we are looking to better insulate our home. We had a company come out to our place and they recommended
- Owens Corning ProPink blown fiberglass in the attic up to R49
- Putting a power vent on the attic gable vent to add ventilation
- Blown cellulose in garage ceilling
The attic work was quoted to $5k and the garage ceiling work was quoted to $3k. The company explained that they prefer using the ProPink fiberglass in the attic because there are no chemicals to break down unlike cellulose which will break down over time due to ventilation and air flow in the attic and we would end up with just cut-up newspaper. As opposed to a garage ceiling where it is an enclosed, un-ventilated space so packing in the cellulose makes sense and is fine there.
We have a few questions for this community:
- Does the company's explanations over fiberglass vs cellulose make sense? Am we being sold an inferior product or is ProPink fiberglass safe and effective to use in our attic?
- We are a young family with babies and young toddlers so is the fiberglass and cellulose use and installation safe for us to breathe in?
- Does the proposed gable power vent make sense?
- Are the quoted prices reasonable?