Influencers lying about weight loss methods

1 on the list of fakers : @Brynstagram aka Brynta Ponn

Please tell me ya'll see right through her bullshit. As someone who lost 100lbs rapidly and on a low carb diet, I can easily spot the lying. There is no universe where she did this naturally. NONE. The body shows it. Skin doesn't sag and drip the way her arms, legs and tummy have if you're slowly losing weight like she claims. You don't need skin removal surgery a year after weight loss if you did it naturally. Her little dog walks and 5lb weights didn't get her 90+ lbs weight loss. And let's face it she lost wayyy more than 90lbs. She's the poster child for rapid weight loss in an unnatural way. She keeps lying and deceiving us and her videos are a mockery to everyone who puts in hard work to maintain or lose weight. Her latest video is literally a mockery to ppl with ADHD and ppl who work hard to lose weight. You took your dog on a walk (leisurely cuz she can't move fast) and then a drunk walk DT for drinks and that's a realistic day of movement that helped you lose 90lbs?? You stopped eating out and you lost.90lbs?? It's never that simple. Don't fake a "it's always been easy for me to gain and lose", then how come we've never seen you lose before. I'm just so sick of these influencers faking it. You build a platform and then lie to ppl?? For what? That trip to Ibiza??? You went from a 16/18 to a size 8/10 in a year? No way that was not with some help. Just be HONEST