Inquisition stormtrooper Command squad and friends
Today I finished up building a command squad for my inquisition stormtroopers. If you check out my other posts you'll be able to see the company so far. Unlike the squads which are very uniform I've tried to combine elements of the armour used in the various squads for the command. Navy breachers, Arbites, kasrkin and palanite armour elements are all featured. My aim was to roughly allow for the squad to be used as cadian, scions or krieg. To that end as they unhelpfuly are a mix of lasguns, pistols and hotshot lasguns I've given them something along the lines of hotshot lascarbines made from extended hotshot laspistols that I'm hoping opponents would be cool with. I'd also have to sub in a special weapon model for krieg and scions. The commander has a rather funky hat in addition to a mace and plasma pistol. The standard bearer has an icon instead of a flag as I felt it was more appropriate, and much more cool. The medic has the medic pistol thing from the scions in addition to the lascarbine. The vox master I based on the cadian vox and made them a little taller so they're at kasrkin scale. I also added more armour to bring them in line with the kasrkin. The power fist dude is essentially a morale officer (and will represent the krieg commissar). Unfortunately they're noticeably slighter and shorter in scale. There's also a priest and Arco flagellants I needed to get done at the same time.