IWTL how to fix my face structure/make myself appear more attractive as a man
Okay I don’t think this infringes on the “personal issues” rule since I am attempting to learn something, and if you guys think this post suits better elsewhere please lmk. I Cant post on r/selfimprovement because i don’t have enough karma. I don’t use reddit a lot so apologies if my text is kinda all over the place…but as the title says, I as a 19 year old man want to finally start working on my looks...ig looksmaxxing? (I HATE that word…)Throughout high-school I kinda was just “there”, nobody really messed with me or anything but nothing about me stood out…at all. Had super long hair for a bit, and all I really did to take care of myself was brush my teeth, shower, wear deodorant, wash my face and that’s literally it. The worst part is, I wouldn’t consider myself inherently ugly , but my lack of taking proper care of myself kinda makes me seem like a slouch. There’s the obvious…eat better, better posture, quit playing games 24/7…but as far as my dental care, I NEVER floss, and after spiraling into a bad depression after HS I don’t even brush my teeth every night. I guess ill just shut up and list specifically what I think I could improve on:
Dental and facial structure: Have a history of cavities and have sevaral crowns on the back of my teeth. They are kinda messed up and crooked, but they have always been that way due to crowding. Thinking about getting braces but God damn are they expensive. Oh, and I’m tongue tied, complete with an overbite…making my face look weird from the side I feel like. should I get surgery, white strips, or has anyone been in the same boat and fixed their teeth for good? I would say the tongue-tied stuff also affects my facial structure. My Jawline is okay but it definetely could be better…
my skin: though not “dirty”, could definetely use a routine that I have no idea about. It can appear oily sometimes but have never looked into skincare routines…
Hair: My hair is fine, I guess…it’s as simple as getting a haircut right? I have an appointment with a professional barber, and plan on getting a nice fade…but I feel like hair only looks as good as the rest of my face does, and any kind of hair routine would be appreciated.
I think a lot of this lack of self care stems from ADHD, and being super unmotivated throughout my lifetime to do anything productive…and I want to change that as a young man. Any help would be appreciated…thanks.