Anybody second guess their choice after ER experience?
I developed OHSS and was in severe pain/discomfort for several days before and after ER. I was told that I’d be “uncomfortable” for a few days from my doctor, and many women said they felt fine after the procedure. So I don’t think I was properly prepared. If I had known how horrible my reaction to the ER was going to be, I don’t know that I would have chosen to go through with it.
I was told “some pain=more gain” and “be happy you got 38 eggs!” Etc. and I want to scream at those people. If I knew, I would have opted for lower doses, less eggs retrieved, etc. because that pain was NOT worth it.
Now that I am just starting to feel better, I’m second guessing this whole process. I’m scared of feeling ill again, and I don’t know that I want to get pregnant now. Anyone else feel this way? I feel so alone in this rn.