I’m on day 12 of stims and we’re triggering tonight. My doctor actually whistled when he saw my ultrasound on Sunday. I have well over 40 follicles that are ready to go. I’m starting meds for OHSS tonight.
I have PCOS, so I knew this would probably happen. So many people are telling me to “be happy” or “this is the one benefit of PCOS” but I feel like crap. I’m swollen, in pain, bloated, nauseous. My appetite is low, and I’m constipated.
I’m sitting at work and can’t concentrate because I feel so sick. My job can be physically demanding at times and I just don’t have it in me. I can’t wait for this to be over. I’m praying I never have to go through this again.
I know this is such a privileged situation to be in. But infertility sucks just a little harder today and I needed to vent to people who may understand.